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1 Generative Modeling

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What is Generative Modeling

  • A generative model describes how a dataset is generated in terms of a probabilistic model. By sampling from this model, we are able to generate new data.

  • Discriminative modeling attempts to estimate the probability that an observation x belongs to category y. Generative modeling doesn’t care about labeling observations. Instead, it attempts to estimate the probability of seeing the observation at all.

  • The key point is that, even if we were able to build a perfect discriminative model to identify Van Gogh paintings, it would still have no idea how to create a painting that looks like a Van Gogh

Generative modeling framework

  • We have a dataset of observations X.
  • We assume that the observations have been generated according to some unknown distribution (pdata).
  • A generative model pmodel tries to mimic pdata. If we achieve this goal, we can sample from pmodel to generate observations that appear to have been drawn from pdata.
  • We are impressed by pmodel if: Rule 1: It can generate examples that appear to have been drawn from pdata. Rule 2: It can generate examples that are suitably different from the observations in X. In other words, the model shouldn’t simply reproduce things it has already seen.

Representational Learning

The core idea behind representation learning is that instead of trying to model the high-dimensional sample space directly, we should instead describe each observation in the training set using some low-dimensional latent space and then learn a mapping function that can take a point in the latent space and map it to a point in the original domain.



check the math background before moving forward [[AI/Math/2_probability distribution]]

Tags: #gan #generative_modeling #discriminative_modeling #representational_learning

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