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Deep floor plan recognition
- Authors
- Name
- Rammy
Deep Floor Plan Recognition
Design a deep multi-task neural network to learn the spatial relations between floor plan elements to maximize network learning.
Introduced a spatial contextual module with the room-boundary-guided attention mechanism to learn the spatial semantic information, and formulate the cross-and within-task weighted loss to balance the losses for our tasks
- Semantic information of floor plan elements is learned
- Detect floor plan elements --> walls of uniform & non uniform thickness + windows + doors etc
- Detect rectangular + non rectangular rooms eg: dinning room, bathroom, bedroom etc
Vital info
VGG Encoder : A single encoder is used to extract the features.
2 Decoders : The extracted features are shared among the 2 decoders, each decoder has its own task.
- **Room boundary prediction decoder : **
- Tries to learn floor plan elements like walls, doors, windows
- Room type prediction decoder :
- Tries to learn pixels corresponding to room types like restroom, bedroom, hall etc
- **Room boundary prediction decoder : **
- **Spatial Contextual Module : **
- To maximize the performance of the room type predictions a module is designed to pass the room boundary features from top decoder to bottom decoder.
- This room boundary spatial context features bound and guide the discovery of room regions and room type.
We have 2 tasks and each task has multiple labels.
- Task pixel imbalance
- Room prediction task has much more pixels than floor plan elements prediction task.
- Label pixel imbalance
- With in task Floor plan elements --> Wall pixels are much more than window pixels
- With in room type task --> Hall pixels are more than bathroom.
- To handle such imbalances during training, we use "Cross-and-within-task weighted loss"
- Task pixel imbalance
Cross-and-within-task weighted loss
Within task weighted loss :
EQ --> 1
- : label of i th floor plan element
- : prediction label of pixels of i th floor plan element
- C : number of floor plan elements
- : Total number of ground truth pixels for ith floor plan element.
- : Total ground truth pixels for all floor plan elements.
Cross + With in task weighted :
: within task wt loss for room boundary ( get from EQ 1)
: within task wt loss for room type ( get from EQ 1)
Overall cross and within task weighted loss -->
Overall accuracy :
Average accuracy :
: Total ground truth pixels for i th floor plan element
: Total correctly predicted pixel for i th floor plan element
Post Processing
- Due to the per-pixel prediction, the output may contain certain noise.
- Create boundary segment --> Combine wall + door + window pixels --> Fill line breaks by Morph and create boundary regions
- Create room segment --> Using boundary segment and fill the gaps in rooms using erosion.
- Count the number of pixels of each predicted room type in each bounded region, and set the overall predicted type as the type of the largest frequency
Related Work
- Raster-to-Vector: Revisiting floorplan transformation :
- Recognize junction points in floor plan and connect junctions to locate walls
- Cons :
- Can only locate walls of uniform thickness and rectangular rooms
- Apartment structure estimation using FCNN
- Uses a segmentation network to recognize different pixels of different classes.
- Cons :
- Ignores the spatial relations between floor plan elements and room boundary
Datasets used in paper
- R2V - 815 images from Raster-to- Revisiting floor plan transformation
- R3D - 214 images from Rent3D: Floor-plan priors for monocular layout estimation
Other Paper Datasets
- Wall segmentation + Object Detection + OCR --> Uses CVC-FP dataset , Real estate floor plan dataset (R-FP) or Blog
- Improvements over Raster to Vector Implementation : CubiCasa5k
- All datasets paths
Status: #done
Tags: #paper #deep_floor_plan
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