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21 Ideas for the 21st century
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- Rammy
This is a mind blower, raises a lot of questions about the relevance of an individual in the upcoming decades. Those following with the AI breakthroughs could hardly disagree with author's view.
Can liberal system survive
- Our liberal system, the democracy is based on free will of individuals, can this system sustain the technological break through's that comes with the fusion of infotech and biotech.
- Can the government rely on the consumer based economy ?
- Who really has the power ? People or Politicians or the tech gaint's with the Big Data that could manipulate anyone.
What is free will
If what we call free will is simply a bio chemical reaction and computation of billions of neurons, then there's a good chance tech giants could manipulate your will & your actions to their needs.
This is already happening all around us, billions of people entrust in google search algorithm to find relevant and trustworthy information.
Already truth is defined by top results of google. The best selling ice cream is the one on the top results of google not the tastiest.
Fusion of bio with info tech
The only thing that's delaying the upcoming break through is the fusion of info and bio tech. Right now google, facebook or whatever the system, it's ability to predict is limited to what we express back to these products. But we all know humans don't always express what they truly mean. Which is why, we often see quite sophisticated systems recommending dumb things.
When the bio tech fusions with infotech, which means the systems are continuously feeding off the bio-information through the implanted bio sensors within your body. There's no masking the information anymore.
One might ask why the hell would I implant a bio sensor ?
Well, simply because you don't wanna wait until it's too late for a symptom to show up, be it a cancer or a simple cold, with bio-sensor's everything can be prevented at the earliest stage.
Who knows, you might be obliged to have a bio sensor to be able to have insurance.
- Over the upcoming decades the breakthroughs in bio tech and info tech could potentially wipe of large scale of jobs.
- The question is, can they create that many jobs as well ? even if they do, can these new jobs match the skillset of those that lost their jobs.
- The only solution to survive is to keep reinventing yourself. However, The author argue's that for how long can a human reinvent him/herself if the breakthroughs keep happening every few years, can a human brain cope to reinvent again and again at ages over 40 ?
The future
There are certain fields that hold's a great value in the upcoming decades.
AI Ethics
Bio Engineers
AI at the Edge
Personally I am a fan of Sci-Fi films. Humans living off for thousands of years by porting consciousness to new vessels , modified genes, enhanced abilities, virtual worlds, human and AI co-operated teams in solving crimes and many more.
Many of the Sci-Fi films today revolve around AI gaining consciousness, The author points out that intelligence and consciousness are very different things and we are no where near the conscious AI but we need to prepare for intelligent AI.
Author: Yuval Noah Harari
Status: #done
Tags: #book #21_ideas_for_21st_century