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Vital info

  • Backbone :

    • Deep Layer Aggregation (DLA-34)
    • Input ( 1088 x 604 ) ---> Backbone ---> ( H/4 , W/4 )
  • Detection Branch :

    • Detection branch is built on top of CenterNet
      • 3 Parallel heads on top of DLA
        • Heatmap Head : Detect center of the object ( Loss ->L_heat )
        • Box Offset : Detect offset size of box ( Loss --> L_box )
        • Center Offset
  • Re-ID Branch :

    • The re-ID feature of the object centered at (x,y) is extracted from the reID feature map.
    • reID features are learned through classification task. All object instances of same object are treated as same class. (Loss --> L_identity )
  • Total train loss :

    • L_detection = L_heat + L_box
    • Ltotal=1/2(1/ew1Ldetection+1/ew2Lidentity+w1+w2), L_{total} = 1 / 2 ( 1/e^{w1} * L_{detection} + 1/e^{w2} * L_{identity} + w1 + w2),
    • w1 and w2 are learnable parameters.
  • Given an image with a few objects and their corresponding IDs, we generate ground-truth heatmaps, box offset and size maps as well as one-hot class representation of the objects. These are compared to the estimated measures to obtain losses to train the whole network.

  • **Online object association **

    • Initialize number of tracklets based on estimated objects in the first frame.
    • Then in subsequent frames link the detected objects to existing tracklets based on below :
      • Cosine distance computed on ReID features.
      • Box overlap - Bipatriate matching.
      • Also use Kalman filter to predict location of tracklets in current frame --> If too far from the linked detection --> then set corresponding cost to infinity --> which effectively avoid linking detections with large motions.
      • Update the appearance features of the trackers in each time step to handle appearance variations.

Related Work

  • Non - Deep learning

    • Online methods

      • Use current and previous frames from MOT

      • Ex : SORT, IOU-Tracker

      • SORT ( Simple online and real time tracking ) algorithm

        • Uses Kalman filter to predict future object locations, compute their overlaps with with the detected objects in the future frames.
        • Finally adopts Hungarian algorithm for tracking.
        • One of the early solutions
        • Cons
          • Does not have reID features.
          • Fail in crowded scenes or fast camera motion
      • IOU-Tracker

        • directly associates detections in neighboring frames by their spatial overlap without using Kalman filter and achieves 100K fps inference speed
        • Cons
          • Same as SORT
    • Batch methods :

      • Use whole sequence for MOT
      • Achieved better results than the online ones due to its effective global optimization in the whole sequence
  • Deep learning

    • Treats MOT as 2 tasks

      • Localize object of interest in input image, Using object detection models ( YOLO or FRCNN )
      • Extract objects from image and feed to identity embedding network to extract ReID features.
      • ReID features are used to link boxes over time.
      • Linking cost is based on below values :
        • ReID features
        • IOU of bbox
      • Once cost is calculated, Use Kalman filter and Hungarian algorithm to accomplish linking task.
      • Cons :
        • 2 tasks are done separately without sharing parameters.
        • Not suitable for real time applications.
    • One Shot ( 1 task )

      • Goal : Accomplish object detection and identity embedding ( reID features ) in a single network to reduce inference times.
      • Ex : Tack-RCNN, JDE
      • Cons :
        • Fast but reduction in accuracy is significant
        • Especially loss in re-ID tracking accuracy and mismatches happen.
    • Fair MOT

      • Goal : Provide real time MOT using one shot without loss of tracking accuracy like previous one shot methods.
      • Solution :
        • Treat object detection and re-ID fairly
        • Avoid anchor based object detection.

Metric Evaluation

  • In order to measure the accuracies of bounding boxes and identity matches at the same time, we use multiple metrics in MOT.

    • MOTA ( Multi object tracking accuracy )
    • FAF ( False alarm per frame )
    • MT ( Number of mostly tracked targets )
    • ML (Number of mostly lost targets )
    • IDF1 ( Identification F1 score )
    • IDS ( Identity Switches )
    • FPS ( Frames per second )
  • Paper in which metrics are defined for Multi Camera Multi Object Tracking system

New terms

Hungarian Algorithm

  • The Hungarian Algorithm is used to find the minimum cost in assignment problems that involve example --> assigning people to activities
  • [[AI/Papers/detection-transformer-detr#New terms or questions]]

Kalman Filter

  • Kalman filtering is an algorithm that provides estimates of some unknown variables given the measurements observed over time

Kanade Lucas Tomashi

Status: #done

Tags: #paper #mot
